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Graphical User Interface


Initial Prototype


Initially when I satrted coding I was coding in python 3, but when the roomba was not working we realised that it would only work in python 2.7. I then had to convert the GUI code to python 2.7.

for example:



To create the GUI I decided that I would try using Tkinter. I had never used it before so this was a big learning curve. To get me started I tried out some practice runs, trying to just get a basic GUI working.


I then started messing around with buttons showing different pages as I wasn’t sure how I would be able to switch to each question.


I also tried out just the most basic of quizes using Tkinter and went from there.


The First Prototype


drawing drawing drawing

GUI Screenshots

Front Screen


Question Screens




End Screen


Once you press goodbye it will take you to the first screen again so the next person can start.

UX Research

Three UX research techniques I chose


Competitive Analysis

Competitive analysis provides an overview of the current state of the market by allowing you to examine and compare your User Interface with similar products that are already out in the market. The focus of competitive analysis is User Experience.

I believe this is suited to my situation as I can compare my User Interface with other products to see how my User Experience could be improved to suit and compete in the current market. This research would also be useful as a guide of what people would expect to see in a survey User Interface.

Design Review – Standalone Design Critique

A design review is a usability-inspection method in which a reviewer examines a design to identify usability problems []. There are several different methods of design review including Heuristic Evaluation, Standalone Design Critique and expert Review. I chose to focus on Standalone Design Critique.

Standalone Design Critique is a method of Design Review where an in-progress design is analyzed to establish whether it provides a good User Experience. This method is done in a group where there are two roles; the presenter, which presents the product, and the critiquer, which offers educated thoughts and a different viewpoint. This is an iterative process that happens with several iterations of the design of the product.

I chose this method of design review as I believe that it would be extremely beneficial to get my fellow group members perspective of my initial design of the User Interface. They will be able to input their ideas which I may not have thought of or see features that should be improved on to improve the User Experience of our product.

Prototype Feedback & Testing (clickable prototype)

Prototype Feedback and Testing can be done on paper prototypes or clickable prototypes. I have chosen to use my current prototype that I have coded. The clickable prototype will allow the user the full experience of using the actual product.

Prototype Feedback and Testing, requires you to watch users use your prototype. While they are using the prototype, you must take note of how good your current design is at allowing them to complete the task at hand. The purpose is not to gather opinions, it is to notice if there are any areas in your design that could be improved on, thus making the end goal easier to achieve for users in the next iteration of the prototype.

This method of User Experience Research fits well with where I am at in the design process of my User Interface. I have completed the first clickable prototype so this would be the perfect opportunity to see how users react to using it. I can then see where I need to improve my design to make the User Experience better for the user.

Perform each technique and document how you went about using that technique

Competitive Analysis

To correctly perform the Competitive Analysis method for my User Experience research on my product I found a template of how to proceed and the questions I should be answering in this research technique. This site had great in-depth information on each step that should be taken. I will be comparing my product with survey tools and user interfaces that are predominantly web based which will give me a broader spectrum of products to compare with, as comparing it to another robot that has a survey interface will be harder to find and make comparisons with. As I am focusing mainly on the survey portion of the project I believe this is the correct path to take.

Below are the steps that I took to complete this research technique.

Outline my goals and define my product:

The goal of this research is to compare the qualities, strengths and weaknesses of my product, compared to others that are already on the market.

Compile a list of direct and indirect competition:

Direct Competition (High Priority)

Indirect Competition (Low Priority)

Create a list of features compare:
Feature Survey Monkey TypeForm Zoho freeonlinesurveys Google Forms Quibblo
One question per page No          
Return to previous question Yes          
Yes – small arrows in bottom right corner            
Yes as all on same page Yes as all on same page Yes as all on same page Yes as all on same page      
Colour scheme Black text/white background Mixture – some with images as backgrounds and coloured text Black text/white background Different themes, colourful Black text/white background with colour on outer background and image at top Black text/white background with coloured numbers next to question
Next button Yes          
No - automatic No – all questions on same page No No No    
Progress bar Yes – bottom of screen, with text saying how many question have been answered Yes – bottom right of screen, text with percentage of how much of survey completed No No No Yes – top of survey, text 0 of 8 questions completed
Requires all questions answered Yes, with error message displaying if not answered Yes, no way of moving to next question until you answer No – can submit survey without answering a single question No – can submit survey without answering a single question Can set certain question to be required – error message displays if required question not answered Yes, with error message displaying if not answered
Done/Submit button once finished Done Submit Submit Finish Survey Submit Submit
Splash Screen No          
Yes – title of survey, button tell us what you think No No No No    
Identify the differences between my product and competitors
One question per page Yes
Return to previous question No
Colour scheme Black text/White Background with black border
Next button yes
Progress bar Yes – bottom middle
Requires all questions answered No
Done/Submit button once finished Finish then another screen that says thankyou and button that says goodbye
Splash Screen Emoji gif, button that says start on black background

I will Summarize my findings and devise my strategies in the next section of this report in "Document the results of your research"

Design Review – Standalone Design Critique

I decided to have the design critique with my other group members in my project. The first thing I did was let everyone know the objective of the discussion so that everyone knew what was to be discussed. I explained that I would present the prototype User Interface and that they would take turns, using the round robin technique, to either share something good about the design, or some aspect of the design that they feel could be improved.

Using the round robin technique meant that everyone had a chance to voice their opinions. I felt this was the easiest way to keep everyone on topic, with no one talking over each other.

While presenting, I explained what parts of the prototype are placeholders for the future, for example, the gif emoji on the splash screen. I kept this short so as not to influence their opinions. Once I finished the presentation, I picked someone to go first, then they took turns sharing their opinions of the design. We kept it short and concise so that we did not start straying from the purpose of the meeting.

I will discuss the good design features, and features that could be improved upon, during the design critique in the next section of this report in "Document the results of your research".

Prototype Feedback & Testing (clickable prototype)

For the testing I decided that it would be best to do the unmoderated approach, which for me meant sitting down with the user and allowing them to use the prototype without any input from me. I had three people use my prototype, which gave me a little more perspective on what I should improve for the next iteration.

While they used the prototype I just sat quietly and watched while taking a few notes. Some also shared opinions on what they think of the prototype, and what they thought could be changed to make it easier for them to use.

If I had more time I feel it would have been very constructive to find more people to do this with. This would have given me a better idea of what a wider variety of people were all similarly struggling with or found easy to use with my prototype.

I will discuss my findings in the next section of this report in "Document the results of your research".

Results of research

Competitive Analysis

Through my thorough research of other similar products online I found that a lot of the online products shared the same qualities including;

I have found multiple User Experience problems with my User Interface by doing this research and comparing it with these similar products

Design Review – Standalone Design Critique

During the design critique several good and bad features of my prototype design were addressed including;

Good features:
Features to improve on:

Prototype Feedback & Testing (clickable prototype)

During the testing most of the users found the same problems or got stuck on a few of the same parts of my prototype;

I found this confused them as they were just faced with a black screen, an emoji and a start button. They didn't know what they were starting. I should fix this for the next iteration, as this is an easy fix of just adding a simple title on the splash screen with some information about what the survey is about.

This is something that I have already outlined in the above sections that I need to fix in the next iteration, by adding error checking and adding the feature of being able to go back to the previous questions.

Though the text next to the radio button symbol is clickable as well, I noticed some people were clicking the radio symbol instead of the text. This symbol is quite small compared to the text and I worry that when this gets put onto a touch screen people might have issues and accidently click the yes instead of the no. To fix this I believe I should change the radios to be normal buttons.

On the very first question the progress bar is just an empty rectangle at the bottom of the screen. Some of the users tried clicking it to see if it was a button. This would waste the users time. Implementing text to the progress bar to show what it is from the start of the survey, will avoid this confusion.

On the final screen the yes and no radio buttons are still there even though they are not actually being used at this point of the survey. This made for a little bit of confusion so I should remove them from that screen for the next iteration of my prototype.


Design Critiques:__Encourage a Positive Culture to Improve Products. (2020). Retrieved 25 August 2020, from

_The Complete Guide to a UX Competitive Analysis WANDR - Ranked #1 Product Strategy & UX Design Firm_. (2020). Retrieved 25 August 2020, from

UX Research Cheat Sheet. (2020). Retrieved 25 August 2020, from

Final Preparations


I also had to install some more dependencies to get it working:


drawing drawing

Here is a link to the commit where I did this




drawing drawing


The last question is more of an inside joke amongst our team, but I am pretty sure everyone will say yes to that question.
